The Talking Heads® Exclusive Player

Best Custom Features on the Market

For Video Presentations Click here
FREE Video Player

Our Video Spokesperson comes with the most robust, free, copyrighted player on the market today. No one has over 30 variable features included free. Your Admin file allows you to control:

#1 Video Production

Ignite Buying - Get Results

We use fast-paced, brain stimulated imagery and content to ignite your customers build their interest in your solution and ignite their buying habits.

You need a professional video to help customers understand your service and then be motivated to buy. We get that! Our videos focus on results.

After making over 15,000 videos we understand that certain styles of video work better for different companies. Thats why we don't just make one style of video. We want to make sure you get the best results possible. Video Production Award
Best in Search Video Production Award
Best in Search Video Produciton Award
Visibility Video Production Award

What if I need a Specialty Player for my Website Spokesperson?

We have a wide variety of Specialty Players

*Some Specialty players are not compatable with iOS devices
FAQ Player
Let us answer your most frequently asked questions with video responses.
Spanish-English Player
Allow your users to see your video in either English or Spanish with the click of a button.
Post a Note Player
Note Player
Have images and text appear on a note next to your video spokesperson.
Random Video Player
Show your visitors a random video each time they visit your site.
Interactive Player
Interactive Player
This video system interacts with viewers, asking questions that lead to new questions.
Go Stop Go Player
Go Stop Go
This player shows a short introduction then the viewer clicks play and your video spokesperson continues her presentation.
Multiple Video Player
Use this player to show your visitors a different video each time they visit.
MVP2 Player
This player shows a different video depending on where a visitor clicks on an image.
Jumper Player
Jumper Player
Have one of our Video Spokespeople show your site to visitors.
Local Lead Maker
Local Lead Maker
Boost your local foot traffic by giving your web visitors a personalized printable coupon.
Fidget Player
Fidget Player
Have your Video Spokesperson look like they are waiting to talk to visitors.
Multiple Video Player 3
With this player, visitors get one video the first time they visit and another each time after that.